Monday, March 7, 2011

Nasihat Untuk Remaja Muslim

Kami persembahkan nasihat ini untuk saudara-saudara kami khususnya para pemuda dan remaja muslim. Mudah-mudahan nasihat ini dapat membuka mata hati mereka sehingga mereka lebih tahu tentang siapa diri mereka sebenarnya, apa kewajiban yang harus mereka tunaikan sebagai seorang muslim, agar mereka merasa bahawa masa muda ini tidak selayaknya untuk diisi dengan perkara yang boleh melalaikan mereka dari mengingati Allah subhanahu wata’ala sebagai penciptanya, agar mereka tidak terus-menerus bergelumang ke dalam kehidupan dunia yang fana dan lupa akan negeri akhirat yang kekal abadi.

Wahai para pemuda muslim, tidakkah kamu menginginkan kehidupan yang bahagia selamanya? Tidakkah kamu menginginkan jannah (surga) Allah subhanahu wata’ala yang luasnya seluas langit dan bumi?

Ketahuilah, syurga Allah subhanahu wata’ala itu diperolehi dengan usaha yang sungguh-sungguh dalam beramal. Syurga itu disediakan untuk orang-orang yang bertaqwa yang mereka tahu bahawa hidup di dunia ini hanyalah sementara, mereka merasa bahawa gemerlapnya kehidupan dunia ini akan menipu umat manusia dan menyeret mereka kepada kehidupan yang sengsara di negeri akhirat selamanya. Allah subhanahu wata’ala berfirman:

وَمَا الْحَيَاةُ الدُّنْيَا إِلَّا مَتَاعُ الْغُرُورِ

“Kehidupan dunia itu tidak lain hanyalah kesenangan yang menipu.” (Ali ‘Imran: 185)

Ingat yer~~

a. Apabila engkau sedang solat kepada Allah s. w. t. maka jagalah baik- baik fikiran mu.
b. Apabila engkau berada di rumah orang lain, maka jagailah pandangan mu.
c. Apabila engkau berada di tengah-tengah majlis maka jagalah lidah mu.
d. Apabila engkau hadir dalam jamuan makan maka jagalah perangai mu.
e. Ingat kepada Allah s. w. t.
f. Lupakan budi baik mu pada orang lain.
g. Lupakan semua kesalahan orang lain terhadapmu.
h. Ingat kepada mati

Public Speaking

Interesting Stories of Life, from various internet sources:

Leola Starling of Ribrock, Tenn., had a serious telephone problem.But unlike most people she did something about it.The brand-new $10 million Ribrock Plaza Motel opened nearby and had acquired almost the same telephone number as Leola.From the moment the motel opened, Leola was besieged by calls not for her. Since she had the same phone number for years, she felt that she had a case to persuade the motel management to change its number. Naturally, the management refused claiming that it could not change its stationery. The phone company was not helpful, either. A number was a number, and just because a customer was getting someone else's calls 24 hours a day didn't make it responsible. After her pleas fell on deaf ears, Leola decided to take matters into her own hands.At 9 o'clock the phone rang. Someone from Memphis was calling the motel and asked for a room for the following Tuesday and Leola accept it. A few hours later Dallas checked in. A secretary wanted a suite with two bedrooms for a week. Emboldened, Leola said the Presidential Suite on the 10th floor was available for $600 a night. The secretary said that she would take it The next day was a busy one for Leola. In the morning, she booked an electric appliance manufacturers' convention for Memorial Day weekend, a college prom and a reunion of the 82nd Airborne veterans from World War II.She turned on her answering machine during lunchtime so that she could watch the O.J. Simpson trial, but her biggest challenge came in the afternoon when a mother called to book the ballroom for her daughter's wedding in June.Leola assured the woman that it would be no problem and asked if she would be providing the flowers or did she want the hotel to take care of it. The mother said that she would prefer the hotel to handle the floral arrangements. Then the question of valet parking came up.Once again Leola was helpful. "There's no charge for valet parking, but we always recommend that the client tips the drivers."Within a few months, the Ribrock Plaza Motel was a disaster area.People kept showing up for weddings, bar mitzvahs, and Sweet Sixteen parties and were all told there were no such events.Leola had her final revenge when she read in the local paper that the motel might go bankrupt. Her phone rang, and an executive from Marriott said that they had prepared to offer Leola $200,000 for the motel. Leola told them that she would accept it only if the change the telephone number.